Illusioneering Lab
Illusioneering Lab
David M. Krum
Effects of Personalized Avatar Texture Fidelity on Identity Recognition in Virtual Reality
Creating near-field VR using stop motion characters and a touch of light-field rendering
Adapting user interfaces for gestural interaction with the flexible action and articulated skeleton toolkit
Rapid generation of personalized avatars
A taxonomy for deploying redirection techniques in immersive virtual environments
Augmented reality using personal projection and retroreflection
Comparability of narrow and wide field-of-view head-mounted displays for medium-field distance judgments
Immersive training games for smartphone-based head mounted displays
Impossible Spaces: Maximizing Natural Walking in Virtual Environments with Self-Overlapping Architecture
Poster: Spatial misregistration of virtual human audio: Implications of the precedence effect
Spatial Misregistration of Virtual Human Audio: Implications of the Precedence Effect
Unobtrusive measurement of subtle nonverbal behaviors with the Microsoft Kinect
Virtual reality to go: A USC ICT Mixed Reality Lab demonstration
A design for a smartphone-based head mounted display
Effects of redirection on spatial orientation in real and virtual environments
FAAST: The Flexible Action and Articulated Skeleton Toolkit
Leveraging change blindness for redirection in virtual environments
Sharing and Stretching Space with Full Body Tracking